Monday, July 16, 2012

DIY Maxi Dress/Skirt

I've been seeing lots of maxi dress how-to's on pinterest lately, so I decided to be crafty and make one of my own. I was talking to my dear friend Jen and she went with me to the store and helped me pick out and find the right fabric. She's just fabulous.
Belt: Forever 21. Cardigan: Deb
I decided to just make it up as I go, because I didn't like a lot of the patterns that I had found. I am very pleased with how it turned out.
Disregard the wind.
First, I bought a yard and a half of jersey knit at Joann's (such a glorious store).
Second, fold the fabric in half hot dog style and pin down the open side at a diagonal, so the top fits snugly around your upper bust area (what is that even called?) or around your waist if you are making a skirt.
Third, sew down the line of pins, taking them out as you move down. You could cut away the fabric first (I didn't), just make sure to leave a seem allowance of at least a 1/4 inch.
Fourth, check it out. Try it on. Make sure it fits how you want it to.
Fifth, Cut off excess material. I didn't do this earlier because I am prone to making mistakes and wanted leeway just in case. Turns out I didn't need to unpick or anything this time, so I could have just cut off the fabric earlier.
Sixth, make a hem at the top, just to make it look nicer. You really don't need on at the bottom, especially as it is a jersey knit and won't fray.
And that's it my friends. I added a belt and a cardigan to make it more flattering and modest. Also, I can fold mine down and it looks fabulous as a skirt as well.

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