Friday, August 10, 2012

Mouth guards.. for your feet!

Remember a a while ago, when I posted about how my favorite house shoes happen to be crocs? yup. well, I also wear them out to my pool quite often, and who would of known?.. they shrink in the sun.  Quite a bit... 

So trusty google told me to boil them in a pot of water and wear them to stretch them out. I have boiled a lot of mouth guards in my time, so the concept made sense. I tried it.. oh man! love!

Not only do they fit again, but they fit better all over. they don't flop around on my feet like duck feet anymore. marvelous! 

So, my dear friends. If you own a pair of crocs that have been caught by the sun, or simply want crocs that feel like custom orthodontics for your feetsies. 

dip them in a pot of boiling water for several seconds

Pull them out and CAREFULLY. don't burn your self put them on you feet and walk around

dip them in cold water after they have molded. I stuck them in my tub and ran water with them on. 

Enjoy your new custom footwear.

1 comment:

  1. this is genius! if mine ever shrink i will be glad that i read this:)


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