When it comes to my budget student housing, I try to keep my expectations low... like really low. because usually they are... less than ideal.
Last years apartment was a good example of this.. I had been in my fair share of dorms, and I knew as long as I didn't have bugs, I should be counting my lucky stars. It was your basic dorm.. gross white walls, bubbled carpet, leaky faucets, 4th floor without a lift ,no bugs...Home sweet home.
This year is definitely an upgrade. I feel like I am out of my gross dorm days and into my less gross townhouse days.. although the following expectations were not met.
Drawers in the bathroom. What kind of person puts drawer faces on a bathroom cabinet and no drawers!! What a cruel trick. I am protesting by not putting my bathroom stuff away. It shall remain in it's box until those drawers turn into drawers.. or I get over it. whichever comes first.
Shower Curtain. So I was thinking people like to be nice and provide curtain liners so their bathrooms don't get damaged ( I know! I don't know what I was thinking) well. people don't. unexpected bonus: BUBBLE BATHS BABY! at least until I get my curtains this weekend.
Lighting..My kitchen light strobes. fast. Like seizure inducing rather than dance party inducing. Luckily florescents are replaced by maintenance. normal lights are not. My bedroom light was acting up, but after a death threat it's behaving.
So all in all, not bad. not bad at all. I plan to be quite happy here. as soon as I get over mourning the loss of my bathroom drawers.