ok, it's official. i'm obsessed. i wasn't going to say anything else, but then penelope brought up mackenzie bourg...and she drew me back in.
for real. look at this child.
those glasses. that hair. the voice. his style. oh, it just makes me melt.
here's a hipster recap of my halloween. in honor of the beauty of mackenzie.
oh, how i love this. so much. |
because normal cereal is too mainstream |
i don't really know...i figured it sounded hipster-ish |
also. sad news of the day. i lost my hipster glasses. totes depresh. haha yesterday was a rough day for me. coordination wise. i dropped a screw down a sink at work, i lost my glasses and i somehow lost eyeliner i had just bought, as well. fail fail FAIL. oh well.
and another thing. so many girls got their mission calls yesterday and it made me happy...and a little bit jealous. there MUST be a reason i'm staying. just don't know what, yet. we'll see.
patience is not my strong point.
last note. halloween brings out WEIRD WEIRD people. campus was crawlin'. i saw...
-darth maul
-red skull (from captain america)
-captain america
-batman (times a million)
-buddy the elf
-anime, anime, ANIME
-big bird
one i missed seeing was sexy sax man. that child is epic.